Julie Noonan, Berry Street

In 2000 Berry Street sought the expertise and advice of Origin of Image to assist us in the process of developing and implementing new branding for Berry Street.

Established in 1877 as the Victorian Infant Asylum, today Berry Street is the largest independent child and family welfare organisation in Victoria, providing an extensive range of services across metropolitan, regional and rural Victoria, to many thousands of people each year. Given the long history of our organisation (at that stage 125 years), and the emotional connection many Victorians have to our organisation, it was extremely important that the new branding was handled in a highly sensitive and professional way.

Over many weeks, Origin of Image worked closely with Community Relations Team, and in consultation with our Board of Management, Executive Management Team, and program staff to ensure a logo was created that captured the essence of the work we do, and provided a strong statement about our commitment to working with the most marginalised children, young people and families in the State.

We were thrilled with the logo that was created for us and were grateful for the expertise and assistance Origin of Image provided to us throughout the process.

Julie Noonan

Then Director of Community Relations
Berry Street