Doug Moran National Portrait Prize Semi Finalist

By |2024-10-18T11:09:02+11:00October 10, 2013|art, exhibition, soula|

Absolutely gobsmacked at this achievement, and incredibly confused at the same time. Who would have thought a horrifying life changing event could bring so much reward. Nevertheless, I'm going with it and am stoked to be considered for semi finalist. Self Portrait (art and chronic pain) will be heading up [...]

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Delightful, Gasworks Arts Park exhibition 2008 opening

By |2024-10-18T11:09:19+11:00October 19, 2008|soula, exhibition, painting, printmaking, art|

The press release below explains this show perfectly. I do have to add a huge thanks however to three dearest people, Theo, Lynn Savery and Michelle Caithness. I could not have produced these works without Theo’s support (and that still goes for most things I do today!). Darling Lyno the [...]

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