Premier Design Award finalists for PainTrain – My Health Summary

By |2024-10-18T11:08:30+11:00August 1, 2018|media, design, web/online|

We are thrilled that PainTrain – My Health Summary has been shortlisted for a significant Australian design award. Established by the Victorian Government in 1996 as the Victorian Design Awards, the Victorian Premier’s Design Awards recognise and reward Victorian designers and businesses that display excellence in the way they use design. [...]

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Faye Spiteri, Communications Director at The Culper Group

By |2024-10-18T11:09:01+11:00June 2, 2014|web/online, branding|

CPG (which predominantly focuses on communication) has an in-house design team, however approached OoI for an unbiased design solution for its three brands that required to work both independently and in unison. Working with both head office in Sydney and the Melbourne team, OoI designed the logos, corresponding collateral for [...]

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The Drawing Wall

By |2024-10-18T11:09:01+11:00April 16, 2014|web/online, event, us, art|

What is The Drawing Wall? An excuse to get up off our seats, Takes us away from our screens, Keeps us in touch with drawing and the pencil, A way to remain inspired in our studio, A creative project, A great way to use our blank studio wall, Keeps us [...]

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It’s not ‘just’ culture

By |2024-10-18T11:09:19+11:00April 17, 2013|web/online, design|

Culture is very highly respected by us here at OoI. We don't just walk up the street, just pop in to an exhibition, just scan the internet, we don't just anything that culture offers us. We observe, take mental snapshots, put these in our brain where they're processed, (and let's [...]

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Do you believe in writing with pen and paper?

By |2024-10-18T11:09:20+11:00September 27, 2011|web/online, media|

My Moleskine Lifelong Friends, part of ecriture infinie, by Soula Well I can't put the Infinite Writing information better myself. All I'm going to do is let you all know that I've been included in this fabulous project and you can be too. Or you can simply enjoy reading about it and learn where writing stands today. What now? Is handwriting still necessary?...

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