Sitting for Barbie Kjar
Who would have thought staring at the back of an easel could be so inspiring! Not only inspiring, we were enthralled in this simple form of art on the eve that The Australian's Sharon Verghis was publishing her article that questioned whether drawing was dead. From an artist's perspective, Soula [...]
Answerable to no one except my talent!
There's something really great about being an artist and experiencing a time where you can work without influence. I am experiencing that pleasure right now and exploring what it is I would like to focus on to amount a body of work that is unrelated to my last 7.5 years [...]
Coming to you live from across the puddle: #ooitasmania
Working amongst Tassie's vast and beautiful scenery and flexing our hours, even more, is providing the sublime state we were searching for. Even Zephyr has cranked up his Zen!
Bye bye Collingwood, hello Tassie
I'm sure it won't be a surprise to many of you who have travelled beside us on our personal health mission over the past (almost) eight years. It's been a rough ride and although finally on our feet, we've learned from our experience and know that 'full steam ahead' is [...]